Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Wildfire tip...........
In Drawings some time, we need different text font styles in same sentence as shown below.

In above example, we need only "A" in filled font.Instead of making two separate notes.we can achieve this by sentence splitting method.

In the note, if we enter @# between DIM and A , the sentence DIM A has been divided into DIM and A.

After that we are able to pick "A"separately using FORMAT / TEXT STYLE and we are able to change the font....


At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi deva,
Excellent work, I realy appreciate you for sharing your knowledge,keep going.

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ruvitha says ----
Hi deva,
Excellent work, I realy appreciate you for sharing your knowledge,keep going.


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